Monday, November 9, 2009

THC in the body

Today it's been 25 days since I smoked weed. I've been eating healthy, drinking lots of water and working out since I did, so I had a naive expectation that maybe the THC would be out of my body by now.


A friend of mine is required to take regular drug-tests, in defiance she's been stealing a stack of drug test whenever she had the chance. I know, it's not really that much of a rebellion, but she gave me 10 drug tests, and I might as well use them for something constructive.

As the picture shows, I'm still testing positive after 25 days of abstinence.

Now, that probably doesn't mean I'm still high - at least not very, the test responds to minute amounts of THC metabolites. It's still thought-provoking though.


  1. Glad to see that you're still clean. Just wondering, but where's your income coming from? Do you have any job in particular?

  2. Right now I'm living on bank credit, but from 18 Nov I'll be able to get enough to live for a while from my unemployment insurance, about $2K per month after taxes. I have very few expenses, so I'll be able to keep going that way for a while.

    Apart from that I'm hoping to make some money doing freelance photography, I'm trying to get into the stock photo market, I'll be covering the climate summit in Copenhagen in December, with a little luck resulting in some iconic pictures and I'm applying for every job I can find. I'm optimistic though, I have a very low burn rate :)

    When I go to NA or AA meetings I almost feel ashamed at times: My problems seem insignificant and tiny compared to those of some of the people I meet there. Sure, I messed a lot of things up, but I haven't destroyed myself physically, financially, socially or mentally - not to any catastrophic extent anyway. My abuse never got to a level where I was permanently blasted.

  3. Photography eh? That sounds great, doing a job like that would be interesting. Travel and expressing yourself every day :].

    And yeah, I know what you mean. When I get angry about things I don't have, I feel really selfish, as I'm very well off in comparison to some people.

  4. Fury: I know what you mean. If you have flushing toilet, a fridge, a tv and food you're in top-10% :D Still, we do need to do it better. Damn it, some people apparently think it's fair they own gold-plated, diamond-encrusted iPods, Bentleys and have Mansions, while others starve and die on the streets. I never got that. I'm all for liberalism, but come on, don't tell me the ultra-rich and the corporations are using their freedom without impeding the freedom of the rest of us (which is the definition of real liberalism).

    Ben: I'm glad if I've inspired you. Feel free to drop me a PM if there's anything I can do for you. And I love the song :D

    I like the idea of framing the battle against one's own problems as a rebellion. Helps me focus. It's also a political statement (everything is i guess): Rebelling is not going crazy on drugs or doing whatever you feel like, true rebellion is setting yourself free from that which holds you from achieving your higher goals. It's both an outer and an inner thing, I think. Maybe it's not really a very meaningful distinction.

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