Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hungry, happy, sleepy.

Ahh. Laughing's good for you!

I used to feel convinced Katt Williams' description of weed was accurate. It's funny as hell, that's for sure. He's also correct in his observation, that it's not a drug like the rest of them.
In my case the effects have changed with regular use though. I lost my appetite, became depressed and stayed up half the night.

It was certainly not making me hungry, happy or sleepy.

Now that I've quit, I find that I have a huge appetite, I sleep like a baby and I feel optimistic, happy and energetic most of the time.

It's true that an occasional spliff will make you laugh and have a good time, but it's a bad joke that smoking all the time will. When was the last time you met a truly happy pot-head?


  1. It has a different effect on many people, also. It made me paranoid, for some reason.

  2. Yeah, me too. I remember the first times i smoked, I would be afraid people could see it on me. That quickly faded though, later I wouldn't really care. But I'd have this nagging feeling of people naturally being illdisposed towards me. Brr. I feel much more outgoing now :)
